It’s a good idea to pay attention to your gums when you brush your teeth. Pink on your toothbrush or in the sink after brushing isn’t normal. If your gums bleed while brushing, it could be from simply brushing too hard, using the wrong brushing technique, or something more serious. Healthy gums shouldn’t bleed, so it’s important to determine the cause. Here is a list of bleeding gum causes. 


Gingivitis is a form of gum disease that causes gum inflammation around the base of your teeth. This is a common reason for your gums to bleed. Some signs of gingivitis are tender gums, frequent bad breath, receding gums, and bleeding easily when flossing or brushing. If left untreated, it can lead to a more severe form of gum disease called periodontitis, tooth loss, and negative effects on your overall physical health. 

Improper Teeth Brushing 

Your gums are soft tissue that can bleed when aggressively brushing your teeth or flossing too hard. If you are using proper techniques and your oral health is good, your gums shouldn’t bleed. Knowing the correct brushing techniques, using the right toothbrush, and not using too much pressure are important for your oral hygiene.

Oral Routine Changes 

Changes in your oral care routine can also be a reason your gums are bleeding. Not brushing as frequently or going a few days without flossing can cause your gums to bleed. You should floss once a day and brush your teeth at least twice daily. Once you return to your proper oral care, bleeding should stop.  


If you have any questions about bleeding gums or have pain when you brush your teeth, contact Gentle Dentistry and we can help you determine what your gum needs are!